Tuesday, December 29, 2009

BLOG / My 2010 wish for you.

Keep asking why. You know why? Because that’s why we’re here. OK, enough with the question words. Yes, over and over and over again, this theme seems to repeat itself, much akin to history (for those who haven’t yet learned from it, because they never asked, "w--?") In my opinion, history’s just old news unless we’ve chosen to learn a little something from it.

How many of you have heard the quote, “The unexamined life is not worth living?” My hope is lots. It happens to be my favorite quote of all time. For years, I never actually knew who said it; Aristotle, a bible, Sigmund Freud or Joan Rivers. As it turns out it was Socrates, a real stand-up, olive-eating Greek guy. He’s known for saying some other real smart stuff, too.

There’s so many wise folks out there that have so much to share. It amazes me. Different insights, strategies and instruments to help others change, grow, become happy and create success. They’re all providing such valuable services by fulfilling their true purposes in life…helping others with the gifts they’ve been given.

We’ve all received one priceless gift though, our own unique life, the best teacher of all. The lives we’ve been given allow us to ask, why?, nearly every freakin’ day. Not questions like, “Why didn't Tiger Woods use a condom?” or “Why is Paris Hilton still in the news?” No, these are too sophisticated, multi-layered and complex…and they’re not about YOU.

If you begin 2010 by asking ‘why?’ after something’s happened to you, I guarantee you’ll have an answer soon after you ask. EVERY answer will also come with this same attachment (please scan prior to opening): [(XYZ happened)…because you were supposed to learn from it. It’s neither good nor bad; it’s one of your lessons. That’s why you’re here].pdf.

Happy New Year, y’all!!! And, after having thrown up on your partner’s black silk shirt at the stroke of midnight on New Year’s Eve, ask yourself the next morning why. Maybe you need to learn compassion…next time aim for the closest toilet, sink or potted palm.

This is syndicated from CLINT ADAMS BOOKS blog.

To learn more about Clint's newly-released occult crime novel for adults, THE SEVENTH RITUAL, please visit his website: Clint Adams : No Time For Fear.


  1. Thanks Clint, for sharing these toughts. My life is, after so many questions I made to my self, worth living. Every second of it.“Know thyself". That was my answer.

    Happy New Year.

  2. Hey there, Sabela, You get it!!! Thanks. Yes, learning what you're worth is THE most valuable of all lessons (in my opinion)...and I'm thrilled for you. Wow!!! What a great 2010 you're going to have. I don't need to wish you mas suerte, because you don't need it. Happy New Year to you!!!


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My Watch Doesn't Tell Time

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