Sunday, September 27, 2009

BLOG / So you’ve written a few novels, now what?

Non-fiction books, that’s what. Duh.

There are probably a million-and-one reasons a person chooses to become a writer. To express their creativity. Their love of the written word. The desire to contribute something meaningful to society. Do any of these apply to you? Brava/o if they do.

Whenever someone asks me why I wanted to become a writer, my answer’s always the same, “I never wanted to be one. I HAD to get a (very particular) story out, the truth, the only way possible, the only way I knew how.” Disappointed? Eek, I’d love to say that I eat, live and breathe reading and writing, but sadly that’s not possible. I learned the craft of writing because it was the only means available to me.

Have you ever been asked, “Why do writers write?” My response would again be related to the above, “Because there’s a story within them that MUST come out.” They were born to tell their story. THE SEVENTH RITUAL was my story, fictionalized of course. Now that this novel’s been out for a couple of months, I can understand why it took so long to complete; to transform it into something funny, shocking, thought-provoking, tolerable, and most important, put it in the hands of someone else. It’s no longer inside me anymore. All my collective lives can now say, “Whew!”

Since telling that story, along with a few others, I no longer feel this compelling NEED. Five novels have taught me something though: books possess the power to change lives. I don’t think anyone could dispute that. What’s your mission? Your purpose in life? Have you ever thought about this? My books reminded me that I like to help people and my desire to reach them, via my message(s), hasn’t vanished. At this point in the game, non-fiction’s better. More direct, hands-on, applicable and to the point for any prospective reader.

Public speaking’s next on the agenda, and what better aide is there for your audience than an accompanying book to go with your presentation. Lots and lots of fine-tuning’s in order, but it seems like the next logical step. Have you ever thought about this transition? This addition to your marketing mix?

If you’re still reading this, and you’re not a writer, perhaps you’ll see speaking and non-fiction writing as the vehicles you’ve been looking for. Writers and non-, only you can get your message across, right? No one’s going to do it for you, or me. I can’t wait to begin and give it my best shot. See you onstage.

This is syndicated from CLINT ADAMS BOOKS blog.

To learn more about Clint's newly-released occult crime novel for adults, THE SEVENTH RITUAL, please visit his website: Clint Adams : No Time For Fear.

The Seventh Ritual, a race for survival

My Watch Doesn't Tell Time

Don't Be Afraid of Heaven

Fear Ain't All That

Just Say Mikey